Posted on December 16, 2015
Seasons greetings folks! I hope your finals, work proposals, and holiday shopping is going well. One of the biggest gifts you could get the nerd in your life is the opportunity to see Star Wars! I’ve had three …
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function swell_lite_get_pagination_links() in /home/mattattaq/ Stack trace: #0 /home/mattattaq/ require() #1 /home/mattattaq/ load_template('/home/mattattaq...', false, Array) #2 /home/mattattaq/ locate_template(Array, true, false, Array) #3 /home/mattattaq/ get_template_part('content/loop', 'archive') #4 /home/mattattaq/ include('/home/mattattaq...') #5 /home/mattattaq/ require_once('/home/mattattaq...') #6 /home/mattattaq/ require('/home/mattattaq...') #7 {main} thrown in /home/mattattaq/ on line 58