it's all downhill from here 02-13

it’s all downhill from here 02 – 13

it's all downhill from here 02-13

It’s been some weeks but i’m back. I was working out the rest of the book. After the end of book two i’m probably going to do something else for awhile, maybe i’ll revisit Reggie and the Rabbit …

it’s all downhill from here 02 – 12

it’s all downhill from here 02 – 11


page 22

it’s all downhill from here – 22

page 22

I finished my pages! Issue #1 is complete! I’ll be packaging it out and creating a cover for it’s all downhill from here #1 this week, hopefully I can get the comics back in time for INDYpendent Self-Publishing …

it’s all downhill from here – 21

It’s a bit early but here it is. Pull list this week: RICK & MORTY #7 RUMBLE #8 ODYC #8 HELLBOY & BPRD 1953 PHANTOM HAND & KELPIE


it’s all downhill from here – 20


I’m back! It took me a few days to get this done, i’m so out of practice. You hear that kids? Practice! Draw err’ day, err’ day. Btw, if you didn’t know it’s INKTOBER! So if you’re doing …

it’s all downhill from here – 19

Moving this week, tons to do. Birthday is this Saturday, moving that day. I’m excited for the Paper Triangle release party that Katie Silver is hosting. Hopefully I can make it, it’s going to take awhile to move. …

it’s all downhill from here – 18

No color today: i’ve got an inflamed nerve in my back which made drawing this hell. I’m going to take a break and color it in a few days if I feel up for it. In other news …

Here we see a comedian bomb.

it’s all downhill from here – 17

Here we see a comedian bomb.

Pretty big pull week, I’m not sure if you read Bitch Planet but it’s super interesting. Also I’m on target to release It’s All Downhill From Here in November. I’m still compiling the book so if there is …

fighting lameness by moonlight, battling boredom with his braininess!

it’s all downhill from here – 16

fighting lameness by moonlight, battling boredom with his braininess!

This week I try my hand at the Sailor Moon dreamy background. How did I do? September, my birth month, is here and I’m stoked for September 25th! My buddy Katie Silver has a comic coming out then! Plus …

it’s all downhill from here – 15

Greetings! Another fine Wednesday! In this page it’s the first time I’ve ever had to draw a female character. I think I did alright. She doesn’t have a name though, so e-mail: if you have any suggestions. …

We've got color!

it’s all downhill from here – 14

We've got color!

Greetings! Before your eyes explode, yes, this page has color!  I tried to play with Mitch’s state of mind in the middle red panel and the effect of washed out color in the bottom panel. Let me know …