page 22

it’s all downhill from here – 22

page 22

I finished my pages! Issue #1 is complete! I’ll be packaging it out and creating a cover for it’s all downhill from here #1 this week, hopefully I can get the comics back in time for INDYpendent Self-Publishing …

it’s all downhill from here – 21

It’s a bit early but here it is. Pull list this week: RICK & MORTY #7 RUMBLE #8 ODYC #8 HELLBOY & BPRD 1953 PHANTOM HAND & KELPIE

it’s all downhill from here – 13

Lucky page #13! Still no name for the brother, the e-mails keep pouring in and I can’t decide. (sarcasm) I’m hoping to do the podcast this week, I know Zach of Done in 30 has a story I …

it’s all downhill from here – 12

Number twelve mutha F#$%’as! Hope you’ve been well! Zach and I have a story for you guys in the episode we’re recording tomorrow. I’m so excited to get to it- you know he’s been cat-fished before, but now …

it's all downhill from here comic page 11

it’s all downhill from here – 11

it's all downhill from here comic page 11

So this week’s page is in black & white. Think of it if you’ve read a newspaper (remember those relics with the funnies in them?) on a Wednesday usually there was like maybe three or four comic strips …

it's all downhill from here page 10

it’s all downhill from here – 10

it's all downhill from here page 10

ARCHIE VS. SHARKNADO!! ARCHIE VS. SHARKNADO! Let me get my cowbell and get to the streets, it’s a one-shot. Let me anticipate how this goes: “Hey Jughead” “Hey Archie, I like Hamburgers” *nom nom nom* “what’s that fish …

it’s all downhill from here – 08

I hope your Indy Pop Con experience was as excellent as mine! I saw some friends from IUPUI and got to see what people locally are creating. Lots of prints this con, I also met Sam Ellis (of …

it’s all downhill from here – 07

    Indy Pop Con is here! This Friday – Sunday I’ll be tabling at the second Indy Pop Con at table #525! If you’ve already bought R&tR come stop by for a $5 Poster! Just show me …

it’s all downhill from here – 06

And we’re back! Here is page six, the continuation of the story arc. If you haven’t already there is an indiegogo campaign from last week that still needs some love. Here it is. It’s almost half funded but …