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INDYpendent Self-Publishing Show this year was amazing! I’m glad those of you who went went, it wouldn’t have been the same without you! I talked to several local creators and it warms the cackles of my heart to …

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Updates: New done in 30! Also this sunday I’ll be at the Wyndam Hotel for the INDYpendent Self-Publisher’s Show! If you have enjoyed Reggie and the Rabbit so far and would like to own it the INDYpendent show …

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Updates: New done in 30. INDYpendent Self-Publisher’s Show is just around the corner. This week is  quick and sweet, I’ve got tons of projects and school work I’m working on so I haven’t been too active with comic …

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Some new stuff: Don’t forget I’ll be at the INDYpendent Self Publishers Show and since last week I’ve started a Podcast called “Done in 30”. The idea is I have my friend over every Thursday and we just chat …

Zombie Peggy jumping at Reggie much the way Kris Kross jumped... Can I get a JUMP JUMP!

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Zombie Peggy jumping at Reggie much the way Kris Kross jumped... Can I get a JUMP JUMP!

Here is a gallery of all the fun I had at Indiana Comic Con 2015!! If you haven’t heard I’ll be at the INDYpendent Self Publishing Show with tons of other local artists. Also I’ll be at my favorite …

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I had an amazing time at Indiana Comic Con! Thanks Katie Silver for boothing with me! I’m glad I got to meet some of you who interact with me via the website in person. Reggie and the Rabbit …

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What’re you guys pulling for this week’s comic pull? For me it’s Inhuman #11, Sex Criminals #10,and Bitch Planet #2. Small pull this week. What else. I’m tabling at Indiana Comic Con! I’m going to co-table with someone …

Last page of Vol 1

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Last page of Vol 1

Two days left for my Indiegogo! I’m 25% funded and I feel blessed for what I’ve received. Thanks to those who’ve contributed, and to those who still want to contribute there is still TWO DAYS!! 😀

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9 more days until the end of my Indiegogo! Help support my dream of publishing a comic AND having a killer Capstone!

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