it’s all downhill from here 02 – 10

See you this Sunday. if you’re coming from INDYpendent here is the document I’ll be talking about: Tutorials Comic pull list: NUTMEG #7 RICK & MORTY #12 SAGA #35 WAYWARD #15

it’s all downhill from here 02 – 09

It’s almost here! The INDYpendent Self-Publisher Show! Also i’m not sure if any of you are looking into getting into code but I’ve found a pretty neat community and series of free tutorials on Free Code Camp. I’m …

it's all downhill from here 02 - 08

it’s all downhill from here 2 – 08

it's all downhill from here 02 - 08

This Friday I’ll be @ IUPUI giving a presentation on my experience with my senior project, called Capstone. If you’ve been following my work the Reggie and the Rabbit comic is what I did to graduate. You can …